
Fishing is a popular activity for both locals and visitors alike. Please keep the following rules in mind:
– When fishing from a boat, please adhere to all rules and regulations listed above (Boat & Mooring)
– There are several areas where fishing is prohibited or limited, please see map to know where these areas are located. Trawling is allowed throughout the Marine Park.
– There are two no fishing zones from Chachacha pier until the entrance of Plaza Marina as well as from the entrance of Harbor Village Marina until the gate of Hato (see map below).
– There are two Marine Park Reserves: Queen Maxima and King Willem-Alexander Reserves which can not be used.
– Fishing is limited to traditional methods only.
– Spearfishing or hand spearing is strictly prohibited.
– Snorkel fishing is only allowed from Harbor Village
Marine to Chachacha Beach as well as from Plaza Marina to Punt Vierkant.
– Fishing is not allowed with the RAMSAR site Pekelmeer, but it is allowed in the inlets.
– With prior approval and signed contract with STINAPA, it is possible to place a net (reda) in the Marine Park which does not obstruct other use.
– In Lac Bay, fishing is allowed but you can not fish within the seagrass beds.
– It is not allowed to fish/take conch (karko) within the Marine Park.
– Lobster season is open from November 1st to April 30th. It is only allowed to take lobster from the east coast, from land and not while diving. During closed season (May 1st to October 31st), catching lobster is prohibited. We ask the community to help by not buying, serving, selling, or eating Bonairian lobster during this period.
– Hunting of lionfish is allowed with the use of an ELF obtained from STINAPA.